Let me share why I'm passionate about helping you transform your life...

3 years ago, my life was a complete disaster. Crippling anxiety and depression consumed me. I was a full-time university student who hated everything about myself...leaving me to spend most days in bed. I was failing classes and only left my bed to party. I depended on alcohol and weed to numb the chatter in my head which helped...

Until it didn't.

I was extremely insecure and when I say I hated EVERYTHING about myself, believe me. I thought people were constantly staring at me and laughing at the way I looked. I gave myself to guys who didn't deserve me just to feel wanted. And I craved validation from people who didn't matter. I thought if I looked different I would be happier...

The thoughts in my head literally took over my life and I thought it would never stop. This was my life.

In 2019 my high school best friend died...I found spirituality.

I started to find myself again. But I still felt incomplete. The intuitive abilities I knew I always had started growing and I began to give them life...

This led me into another depression...a soul depression if you will...

Nobody understood me and I lost a connection to everyone around me. Leaving me extremely isolated and alone. These "amazing" abilities started to become a burden and I began resenting them. After all, they did cost me everyone in my life...

Finally, I settled into my spiritual "awakening" and things started to get hopeful. Spirituality was my lifeline and I haven't gotten off the phone since.

Fast forward to April 2020. My mind and soul were about to be put through the biggest test to date...because my body was about to shut down.

I became chronically ill and dizzy literally 24/7, every second, every day. I thought I was dying. I wasn't...but for 8 months I went undiagnosed until I finally got a plethora of diagnoses.

I found out I have Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD), Vestibular Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Arthritis, and an Autoimmune Condition. (I know...and I'm 24🤣).

The coping mechanisms put in place to get through my years of mental and spiritual anguish literally shut my body down.

I spent a year and a half turning my entire lifestyle around. Extreme diet changes - no gluten, dairy, refined sugar, refined oil, corn products, fast food, junk food, processed meat, nightshade vegetables - no alcohol, no weed. No, like literally a total lifestyle change. I went from a full-time partier to a...rabbit.

I finally understood the true connection between the mind, body, and soul. One cannot work without the other, and to be fully aligned in your purpose all must work in harmony. True health encompasses all three and I was made aware of this as I underwent a test in each. I was never in flow when only one aspect was working well. It took mental distress, soul distress, and physical distress to meet this conclusion...

And so........

I came out of all of my challenges a brand new woman. I have never felt so in tune with myself and aligned in my purpose - helping YOU.

I used many tools to get me to this place today - manifestation, spirituality, personal development, and so much more. I want to share all my knowledge with you in hopes of inspiring transformation...because you deserve to live in authentic ALIGNMENT...and truthfully...this is when the magic happens.

SO, all of the courses I have created are made perfectly to help aspects that create resistance in people's lives. This resistance causes distress and misery...and I don't want that for you. I want you thriving.

I want to empower you to believe you are worth the effort to make yourself the BEST YOU...because at the end of the day...everything starts with you.

Decide that you are worthy today...

Transform your life today...
